Bipolar Disorder Treatment in North Carolina

Treatment for Bipolar Disorder in Asheville, NC

Helping You Manage Your Mental Illness

Experiencing extreme highs and lows can be exhausting, and it may be a sign of bipolar disorder. According to the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI), about 2.8% of the population is diagnosed with bipolar disorder, which is characterized by dramatic shifts in a person’s mood, energy, and ability to think clearly. People with bipolar disorder alternate from high moods (mania) and low moods (depression) in a way that makes daily life difficult or impossible.

Without treatment, bipolar disorder can get worse and people can even experience psychotic symptoms (like hallucinations) during their manic and depressive episodes. With the right treatment, however, many people learn to manage their symptoms and live full lives, despite their condition.

At Tapestry, we give you the tools you need to address bipolar disorder and focus on wellness for years to come. Our residential treatment program allows you to learn these strategies in a safe and structured environment.

For information about admissions, please click here.

Call the Tapestry team at (828) 490-4032 to get started.

How Do I Know If I Have Bipolar Disorder?

Bipolar disorder is notoriously hard to diagnose and is frequently confused with schizophrenia or Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD). To be diagnosed with bipolar disorder, you must have experienced at least one episode of mania or hypomania.

The symptoms of a manic episode include:

  • Feeling elated, “up,” or “high”
  • Increased irritability
  • Jumpiness
  • A decreased need for sleep
  • Loss of appetite
  • Talking very fast and changing subjects rapidly
  • Feeling like your thoughts are racing
  • Feeling like you can do anything or lots of things at once
  • Engaging in risky behaviors like high spending or unprotected sex
  • Feeling unusually important, talented, or powerful

Hypomania is less severe than mania and less likely to cause hallucinations or psychotic episodes. In any case, the “high” does not stop at an acceptable level and people with bipolar disorder find it difficult to control their emotions and impulses.

Many people who suffer from bipolar disorder also experience bouts of depression.

The following symptoms are associated with depressive episodes:

  • Feeling sad, “down,” empty, worried, or hopeless
  • Feeling slowed down or upset
  • Sleeping too much or too little
  • Changes to appetite and weight
  • Talking slowly and forgetting things
  • Trouble making decisions
  • Feeling unable to complete simple tasks
  • Having little interest in activities
  • An inability to experience pleasure
  • Feeling hopeless or worthless
  • Suicidal thoughts and ideation

Most people pursue diagnosis and treatment during depressive episodes. Sometimes, feelings of mania and depression occur in the same episode or fluctuate rapidly in “an episode with mixed features.” Often, loved ones can identify the signs and symptoms of bipolar disorder more easily than those experiencing them.

If you or someone you know is suffering from a manic or depressive episode, the Tapestry team can help.

Types of Bipolar Disorder

How we address your bipolar disorder will depend on how your mental illness is categorized.

Bipolar I Disorder occurs when people have one or more episodes of mania. These episodes last at least 7 days or are so severe they require hospitalization. People with Bipolar I Disorder may have depressive episodes as well, but depression is not necessary for a diagnosis.

Bipolar II Disorder is characterized by depressive episodes and a back and forth between depression and hypomania. People with Bipolar II disorder have never had a “full” manic episode.

Cyclothymic Disorder or Cyclothymia is a long-lasting disorder in which people experience a chronically unstable mood state with hypomania and mild depression. Sometimes, people with cyclothymia have “normal” periods, but they do not last for more than 8 weeks.

“Other” or “Unspecified” Bipolar Disorders refer to those who do not meet the diagnostic requirements of other bipolar disorders but experience clinically significant mood elevation.

Our caring professionals and comfortable facilities are equipped to help you with all types of bipolar disorders.

Treating Bipolar Disorder (How We Help)

When you walk through our doors, we will evaluate your goals and the challenges that keep you from reaching them. From there, we will develop a personalized treatment schedule with therapy, group activities, and holistic wellness sessions.

At Tapestry, we use the evidence-based approach of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy to help you treat and manage your bipolar disorder. This is a proven method that we combine with complementary health approaches like yoga, art, eco therapy and other activities to promote holistic wellness.

Your model for treatment and recovery will be tailor-made for you and include any medications and strategies you may need to succeed.

Click here to learn more about our clinical philosophy.

Why Tapestry?

At Tapestry, we see you as more than just your mental illness. We understand that you are a whole person and that the symptoms of bipolar disorder are rarely isolated from other areas of your life.

As such, we address each aspect of your health and wellness with empathy, kindness, and effective treatment activities. Our multidisciplinary approach and experienced staff will guide you through our programs and give you the resources you need to build a healthy life.

If you are ready for a confidential assessment to see if our mental health program is the right fit for your needs, call us now: (828) 490-4032.